A Stuffed Fathead Dough Recipe! - The Hungry Elephant (2024)


by hungryelephant

written by hungryelephant

Just after starting a ketogenic diet, I was a bit disheartened while grocery shopping. I couldn’t buy any bread! BUT after deciding to to take a fathead dough recipe and STUFF it with delicious flavours (inspired by www.ruled.me).. I knew I had made a good decision.

A Stuffed Fathead Dough Recipe! - The Hungry Elephant (1)

This is AMAZING. fathead bread is only made of two ingredients.. Almond flour (or ground almonds) and mozzarella cheese.. and let me tell you, you could not taste the almonds at all. It was ALL cheese. The crust tasted like a deliciously cheesy bagel that has the slightly burnt cheese bits on it. OMG.

A Stuffed Fathead Dough Recipe! - The Hungry Elephant (2)

Buy my two cookbooks on Amazon now!

This fathead dough recipe is also so versatile, you can use it for pizza crust or any other dough!

Stuffing it however makes it SO MUCH BETTER.

If you like this recipe, make sure to check out my keto white bread or keto cinnamon rolls!

A Stuffed Fathead Dough Recipe! - The Hungry Elephant (3)

Yield: 15

A variation of fathead dough, stuffed with delicious herbs, spices and much more.


  • 3/4 cup ground almonds or almond flour
  • 2 cups grated mozzarella
  • 2 small yellow onions
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • Bacon bits
  • Coriander seeds
  • Parsley
  • Garlic powder
  • Parmesan cheese


The first thing you will want to do is heat up the butter, chop up the onions and slowly caramelize the onions. Let them sit in the butter on medium low.. stir occasionally, until they are nice and brown.

While the onions are caramelizing, mix together your almond flour and mozzarella cheese in a pot. You'll need a double boiler for this, so heat up some water in a separate pan, and then put the second pot, with your almonds/cheese on top of the pan with water. Stir it frequently, the cheese will begin to melt. When you have the consistency of dough - you know its done. Take out and let it cook in a bowl for a few minutes.

Once it's cooled down. Lay it on some parchment paper. Take another piece of parchment paper and lay it on top. Roll it flat with a rolling pin.

On top of the dough, lay out your caramelized onion, bacon, herbs and cheese.

Take one end of the dough and slowly roll it like a pinwheel.

Once it's all rolled up, brush with butter, add some herbs and throw it in the oven at 350 for 25 minutes or until brown.

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sue in CAAugust 17, 2017 - 1:03 pm

Looks and sounds awesome! Could you tell us how many servings it makes and the nutritional values?

thank you!


sue in CAAugust 17, 2017 - 1:04 pm

how many servings and nutritional values please? thank you

looks and sounds awesome!


hungryelephantAugust 17, 2017 - 1:07 pm

Hi! Sorry I forgot to add it in! Here ya go! /15… CALS: 119 FAT: 9.2 PROTEIN 5.9 CARBS: 3.5 FIBRE: 0.9


LYNN TOBLERAugust 17, 2017 - 4:24 pm

Are those nutritional values for the whole roll?


hungryelephantAugust 19, 2017 - 8:29 am

Hi Lynn,

The values are for 1 slice out of 15.


LYNN TOBLERAugust 17, 2017 - 4:25 pm

Are those nutritional values for the whole roll?


hungryelephantAugust 19, 2017 - 8:29 am

Hi Lynn,

The values are for 1 slice out of 15.


AmandaSeptember 17, 2017 - 1:33 pm

Made these yesterday! Flavor is really good, Only used 1/3 of one onion because onion is bad for digestion nd acid reflux! But, so good. The fat from the bacon and cheese, and the sweetness from the caramelized onion was really good. It does not rise hardly. I just fluffed it up a little with my fork to make it look fuller after taking it out of the oven.

For commenters, serving size will vary. Not all dough is rolled the same. So, therefore the nutrition count will be off.
Just plug it in your calorie counter like < MFP (my fitness pal) and you will have it. 🙂


hungryelephantSeptember 17, 2017 - 3:03 pm

Glad you like it!! Yeah thats the problem I found with this is that it doesnt rise.. it’s not a bad problem. I was hoping to make more of a loaf when I made this but it flattened out. Adding some baking powder may help keep its shape. Still delicious though!


BarryNovember 30, 2017 - 4:25 pm

Mine went in as a roll and came out almost flat as a pancake. I have a pic, but didn’t see any way to post it here. Wondering if changing the ratio of flour to cheese would help – maybe one to one…

Anyway, still very tastey!!


hungryelephantNovember 30, 2017 - 4:48 pm

Hey Barry!! Mine did the same thing!!! I would advise not using a 1-1 ration because it won’t be enough moisture for the flour. Adding some baking powder will help keep its shape though! Like 1-2 tablespoons!


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A Stuffed Fathead Dough Recipe! - The Hungry Elephant (2024)
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