Caller ID spoofing: How to spot and avoid spoofed calls - Norton (2024)

CallerID spoofing is when someone intentionally alters the information relayed toyour caller ID display to hide their identity or impersonate somebody else.

What is caller ID spoofing?

CallerID spoofing is when someone intentionally alters the information relayed toyour caller ID display to hide their identity or impersonate somebody else.

Imagine you're goingabout your day when your phone begins to ring, with your phone's caller IDindicating that the call is coming from your bank.

Upon answering thephone, a voice on the other end informs you that someone hashacked the passwordto your online banking account and that youneed to provide your personal information to verify your identity and secureyour account.

After following theirinstructions, you hang up and rush to your computer. You then discover thatyour account appears to be perfectly fine. As you go to call them back, yourealize the number that called you doesn’t match the number listed on yourbank's website.

This is possible due tocaller ID spoofing, a technique used by scammers to impersonate others ordisguise their own identity.

To learn more aboutcaller ID spoofing and how to spot and avoid spoofed calls, read through thishelpful guide.

How caller ID spoofing works: 3 techniques toknow

Caller ID spoofing: How to spot and avoid spoofed calls - Norton (1)

With the help of callerID spoofing, con artists can place phone calls that appear as if they arecoming from somebody else. This type of phone spoofing can be implemented indifferent ways and may be used forvishingor other scams. To help you better understand how caller ID spoofing works,let’s explore some common spoof call methods.

VoIP spoofing

When scammers first began practicing caller ID spoofing, it required advanced technical knowledgeand expensive equipment to pull off. Thanks toVoice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)technology, caller ID spoofing can be done forlittle to no cost without specialized equipment.

VoIP is a callingservice that allows users to place calls over theinternet. While this may be a great alternative totraditional calling services, it can also be used for caller ID spoofing.

This is because scammerscan customize their caller ID display name when setting up their accounts,allowing them to easily impersonate someone else. In addition, VoIP servicesaren’t subject to the same hardware standards as landlines, which makes VoIPcaller ID spoofing much easier than doing it through a traditional landline.

Because VoIP is oftencheaper and easier to set up than a landline, a scammer may use it to carry outscams, such asIRS scam calls, which is when a scammer impersonates the IRSto steal your personal information.

Spoofing services

As the name suggests,spoofing services are services designed specifically to help users spoof acall. In some cases, these services are web-based platforms orthird-party apps. With these services, scammers can easilycustomize their caller ID information either for a small fee or at no cost atall.

Because this can be assimple as downloading a free app, using a phone spoofing service can make phonenumber spoofing easy and accessible for scammers of all skill levels. Inaddition, these services can also be used to send text messages and may be usedforsmishing attacks.

Orange boxing

Orange boxing is analternative method of call spoofing used to trick someone into thinking thatthey are receiving a call from a spoofed number when there is actually no phonecall at all. This is possible using hardware or software that can mimic the signalof an incoming call, allowing the scammer to spoof the caller ID display.

Because this method ofcaller ID spoofing doesn’t spoof a legitimate phone call, it is often used as asocial engineeringtechnique to scare you or make you believe thatsomeone else is trying to contact you.

How to spot caller ID spoofing: 5red flags

Caller ID spoofing: How to spot and avoid spoofed calls - Norton (2)

With an understandingof how caller ID spoofing works, you may wonder how to spot a spoofed call.After all, the point of caller ID spoofing is to trick you into thinking you’retalking to someone else. With that in mind, there are still some red flags youcan watch out for whenever you receive an incoming call, including:

  1. Unfamiliarnumber: If you recognizethe caller ID display name but not the associated phone number, it may bea spoofed call.
  2. Pre-recordedmessages: In some cases,caller ID spoofing may be used forrobocalls. In these calls, you may be asked yes orno questions or to press a specific number for further instructions. Aswith all unknown callers, it's best to treat these as spam and hang upimmediately.
  3. Senseof urgency: Another signof spoofed phone calls is a sense of urgency. For example, a scammer may usecaller ID spoofing to pose as a friend in danger. In this type of scam,the scammer may inform you that they are in a desperate situation and needmoney as soon as possible. Scammers will do this to scare you and get youto act quickly without confirming that the call is from who they say theyare.
  4. Requestsfor payment or personal information: Whether you’re greeted by a recording or a live caller,spoofed caller ID calls may be used to trick you into giving up personalinformation, such as yourSocial Security numberor credit card information.
  5. Displaydiffers from stored contact: Anotherwarning sign of a spoofed phone number is if the display name differs fromyour stored contact information. For example, if you have your friendlisted as “Dave Smith” on your phone but receive a call from “DavidSmith,” it may be a spoofed call.

If you notice one ormore of these warning signs when dealing with an incoming call, it's best totreat it as a spoofed phone call and ignore it.

How to avoid caller ID spoofing: 8protection tips

Caller ID spoofing: How to spot and avoid spoofed calls - Norton (3)

Now that you know whatto look out for, here are some protection tips you can utilize to avoid callerID spoofing and the scams that may be associated with it.

  1. Avoidanswering unknown numbers:Even if the caller ID display name seems familiar, avoid answering callsfromunknown numbers, as they could be a scammer in disguise.
  2. Don’thit any buttons: If youhappen to answer a spoofed call, avoid pressing buttons or following anyof their instructions. Instead, hang up immediately.
  3. Staysilent: If you end upanswering a call you’re unsure about, it’s best to stay silent and hang upto avoid accidentally giving up anypersonal information.
  4. Keepyour information private: Wheneveryou’re talking to someone you don’t know, be sure to avoid sharing anypersonal information, as a scammer could use it for malicious purposessuch asidentity theft.
  5. Enablespam-blocking features: Tohelp minimizespam textsand calls from unknown phone numbers, besure to enable your device’s spam-blocking features. This can help preventa spoofed call from reaching your phone, even if the display name isfamiliar.
  6. Secureyour voicemail inbox: Somescammers may even attempt to spoof your phone number to call others andaccess your voicemail inbox. To help stop them, be sure to secure your voicemailbox with apassword.
  7. Redialthe number yourself: Ifyou’re ever suspicious that you’re receiving a spoofed call, hang up anddial the number back yourself to ensure you are actually speaking to alegitimate caller.
  8. Blocksuspicious callers: Byblocking any suspicious or unknown callers, you can reduce the number ofunwanted calls your phone receives.

To block caller ID spoofed calls on an iPhone,follow these steps:

  1. Open the Phone app.
  2. Tap “Recents.”
  3. Select the info button (ⓘ) next to the phone number you’d like toblock.
  4. Scroll down and select “Block this Caller.”Tap “Block Contact.”

To block spoofed calls on an Android, followthese steps:

  1. Open the Phone app.
  2. Select “Recents.”
  3. Long press the phone number you’d like toblock.
  4. Tap “Block/report spam.”
  5. Check the “Report call as spam” box.
  6. Select “Block.”

Even after prioritizingall these detection and prevention tips, it’s still possible that a spoofedphone call can slip through the cracks.

Caller ID spoofing: How to spot and avoid spoofed calls - Norton (4)

What to do if your number isspoofed

While receiving spoofedcalls can be annoying, having your own name or number spoofed can be evenworse. If you start to hear that youridentityis being used for spoof calls that you aren’tmaking yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Seta new voicemail message: Tohelp clear up any confusion, be sure to record a new voicemail messageexplaining the situation. That way, anybody who calls you will know thatyour number has been spoofed, and it isn’t you who has been contactingthem.
  2. Block or silence all unknown callers: Using either acall-blocking serviceor your phone’s settings, block or silence all unknown callers. This can help minimize the annoyance of random people calling you thinking that they are going to reach someone else.
  3. Reportthe situation to the FCC and your local authorities: To help stop telephone spoofing, be sure tofile a complaint with theFCCand inform your local authorities.

Now that you’ve learnedhow to detect and avoid caller ID spoofing and what you can do if your numberis spoofed, you can help minimize the risk of engaging with a spoofed phonecall. To better increase your Cyber Safety, educate yourself on the othermobile scamsthat can make their way to your device.

FAQs about callerID spoofing

Still curious aboutcaller ID spoofing? Read along to learn the answers to some of the mostfrequently asked questions about caller ID spoofing.

Is caller ID spoofing illegal?

It depends. As a resultof theTruth in Caller ID Act of 2009, it is illegal for any person in the UnitedStates to use caller ID spoofing with the intent to defraud, steal, or causeharm.

Because of this, callerID spoofing is legal as long as there is no ill intent. For example, businessesmay legally alter their caller ID to list a toll-free callback number, even ifit’s not the number they are calling from.

Why is caller ID spoofingdangerous?

While caller IDspoofing may seem like a harmless prank, scammers can use this technique formalicious purposes, such as differenttypes of phishingattacks. For example, a scammer may pose as atrusted entity to get you to give up sensitive information that can be used tosteal your identity, money, or login information.

What is neighbor spoofing?

Neighbor spoofing is atype of caller ID spoofing in which the scammer impersonates a phone number likeyour own in hopes you’ll be more likely to answer. For example, if your phonenumber is (555) 555-0101, you may receive a call from (555) 555-0102.

What is blocking or labeling on your caller ID?

Blocking or labeling onyour caller ID is when an incoming call is automatically blocked or labeled as“potential spam,” “spam,” or another similar description, depending on yourdevice.

This is because the FCCallows telephone providers to automatically block phone numbers proven to beused for spam purposes.

Do telemarketers have caller ID rules?

Yes. All telemarketersmust provide the appropriate number from which the phone call is coming. Inaddition, the phone number must be reachable during regular business hours incase you’d like to call and request that they no longer contact you.

Can you find out who spoofed your number?

Unfortunately, it isvery difficult to find out who exactly has been spoofing your number. Dependingon the specific method the scammer used, tracking down who has been spoofingyour number may only be possible by contacting law enforcement or yourtelephone company.

What are the legitimate reasons forcaller ID spoofing?

Caller ID spoofing: How to spot and avoid spoofed calls - Norton (5)
Caller ID spoofing: How to spot and avoid spoofed calls - Norton (6)

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While caller IDspoofing is commonly used by scammers, there are instances in which it is usedlegitimately. For example, those involved in journalism or law enforcement maydecide to use caller ID spoofing to privately place calls without disclosingtheir identity, phone number, or location.

Caller ID spoofing: How to spot and avoid spoofed calls - Norton (2024)


Can caller ID spoofing be prevented? ›

Since spoofing services typically generate numbers randomly, there's no surefire way to prevent a phone number spoofer from using your caller ID. But there are still steps you can take to help stop your number from being used by scammers to carry out illicit activities using social engineering tactics.

Is there a way to tell if a phone number is spoofed? ›

Unfamiliar number: If you recognize the caller ID display name but not the associated phone number, it may be a spoofed call. Pre-recorded messages: In some cases, caller ID spoofing may be used for robocalls. In these calls, you may be asked yes or no questions or to press a specific number for further instructions.

Can you unmask a spoofed number? ›

Spoofed calls appear the same as any other regular call you might receive, making them impossible to unmask.

What do I do if my number is being used for caller ID spoofing? ›

Contact your mobile carrier

If you suspect your phone number is being used in spoofing scams, you should contact your phone service provider as soon as possible.

Can I block spoofed calls? ›

Filtering or blocking a number is different for iOS users and Android users, but both essentially involve pulling up your settings, and then selecting some sort of “block contact” option. Your carrier may also provide additional methods of stopping unwanted calls, such as Verizon Mobile's Call Filter app.

Can caller ID spoofing be traced? ›

It can be difficult to trace spoofed calls; however, if you do it three times, then there are some options, including working with law enforcement. The Call Trace feature is available in most areas and is pre-installed on your phone line. You're charged for the service only if you successfully complete a trace.

What happens if you call back a spoofed number? ›

It can be tempting to call a phone scammer back or text them an angry reply but, much like answering a call, doing so will simply tell them that your number is real and is worth pursuing in future scams. Block robocalls. Most phone carriers can enable robocall blocking on your phone.

Can police track a spoof number? ›

Additionally, police can work with telecom providers to obtain call detail records (CDRs) and subscriber information associated with the spoofed number. By analyzing this data, authorities can identify the individual or group behind the SMS spoofing and take appropriate legal action.

Can you tell if someone else is using your phone number? ›

Unfamiliar Calls and Texts

If your phone starts buzzing with calls or texts from unknown numbers, especially those asking for personal information or payments, it might be a sign that your number is being used for nefarious purposes.

Can spoofing be detected? ›

How to detect IP spoofing. It is difficult for end-users to detect IP spoofing, which is what makes it so dangerous. This is because IP spoof attacks are carried out at the network layers – i.e., Layer 3 of the Open System Interconnection communications model.

Do I need to change my number if it has been spoofed? ›

You should also contact your phone carrier to report this happening and ask for any help they can offer. As a last resort, you may need to change your phone number.

Should I change my phone number if a scammer has it? ›

If you've recently been the victim of identity theft, then changing your phone number is one of the optimum ways to protect yourself from repeated identity theft. There are also various software services and tools that can protect you from repeated identity theft.

Can you tell if a number is being spoofed? ›

You may not be able to tell right away if an incoming call is spoofed. Be extremely careful about responding to any request for personal identifying information. Don't answer calls from unknown numbers. If you answer such a call, hang up immediately.

Why can't spoofed calls be stopped? ›

The reality is that it's difficult to protect your phone number from getting spoofed. Numbers are usually selected at random, so people generally aren't specifically targeted. The primary line of defense is to change your number, but obviously, this is a huge hassle and not something you want to have to do.

What is the penalty for spoofing a phone number? ›

Anyone who is illegally spoofing can face penalties of up to $10,000 for each violation.

How can spoofing attacks be prevented? ›

Packet filtering can prevent an IP spoofing attack since it is able to filter out and block packets that contain conflicting source address information. Using cryptographic network protocols such as HTTP Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Shell (SSH) can add another layer of protection to your environment.

How do I protect my caller ID? ›

To block your number from being displayed temporarily for a specific call:
  1. Enter *67.
  2. Enter the number you wish to call (including area code).
  3. Tap Call. The words "Private," "Anonymous," or some other indicator will appear on the recipient's phone instead of your mobile number.

What happens if you answer a spoof call? ›

Scam callers often use call spoofing technology to disguise the number they are calling from so the call appears to be from a local area code or a legitimate phone number. They know you're more likely to answer and when you do, they ask for your personal information to try to steal your identity or your money.

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