Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (2024)

Don’t make the popular “pressure cooker” or “Instant Pot” vanilla extract using vodka and vanilla beans or follow any other recipes that recommend using liquor under pressure – these recipes could result in injury and fire. Evaporating alcohol is not only flammable but it could combust unexpectedly.

This alert debunks flawed assurances that pressure cooking with liquor is safe in electric pressure cookers or with modifications (such as using jars or natural release), includes official statements from manufacturers, the UL Standards organization; and, Dr. Marco Bella, professor of Chemistry at Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

hip info: definitions and clarifications

alcohol vs. ethanol -this alert will refer to the alcohol in liquor and wine “ethanol”. That’s because, as Dr. Bella pointed out, alcohols are a class of chemical compounds and it would be confusing to call this specific compound with such a general name.

liquor – when referring to liquor, this means distilled spirits (aka hard-liquor). This includes, but is not limited to, vodka, whiskey, tequila, rum, gin and brandy.1

But first, let’s see how this all got started.

How it all began..

Two years ago,a bloggershared her friend’sVanilla Extract pressure cooker method which involves filling the pressure cooker with 80-proof vodka (40% ethanol) and vanilla beans, pressure cooking at high pressure. Soon after,another bloggerchanged the method by proposing putting the same concoction (vodka and vanilla) into a jar, screwing on the lid to “fingertip tight” and then pressure steaming the liquor-filled jars on a rack. Fast-forward to today, and a google search alone will yield over a million recipes for making vanilla extract or other concoctions using liquor in the pressure cooker – some even using 190 proof Everclear (which is 92.4% ethanol).

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (1)

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (2)

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (3)

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (4)

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (5)

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (6)

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (7)

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (8)

But the hazards don’t stop at blogs. Unfortunately, recipe websites, magazines, apps, booklets and recipe repositories and videos created, or promoted, by pressure cooker manufacturers themselves offer pressure cooker recipes with the addition of liquor.

A manufacturer’s official Facebook group, for example, yieldshundreds of results when searched for“hooch”, “moonshine”, “vodka” or “everclear”- despite the fact that each post is moderated.

Manufacturers reticent to comment

Pressure cooker manufacturers appear to be reluctant to reveal their official policy on the safety of pressure cooking with liquor. I contacted three popular pressure cooker manufacturers for their policy and only one was willing to provide a statement.

At least, Instant Pot responded with the following statement:

Regarding cooking alcohol in Instant Pot, there are many factors which could generate source of ignition of the alcohol fume. These are not part of the Instant Pot product and beyond the control of Instant Pot device. We cannot officially endorse such use given the possibility of unforeseen risks. – Robert Wang, CEO, Instant Pot

Kuhn Rikon did not want to comment on the practice, and fa*gor America said that they do not recommend the use of their product outside of the UL standard. A standard that, unfortunately, doesn’t address the use of liquor to build pressure in the cooker.

UL Standard’s unclear position

A blogger promoting the practice posted the following correspondence with an employee of the UL Standards as evidence that pressure cooking with liquor is safe. The UL’s answer to this blogger is as follows (emphasis added by me):

I’ve been asked to answer this question for you. I did some research, and I can’t find anything definitively that says it’s unsafe. I found a couple of cooking sites that have recipes posted for pressure cookers that appear to employ some alcohol. The UL Standard for pressure Cookers, UL136 is silent on this, as it does not state any risks in the required “Important Safeguards” that forbid the addition of alcohol. So I’m inclined to think it’s ok, but I can’t say for sure. You might want to consider consulting the manufacturer of your pressure cooker to see what they say. Hope this helps.
Best regards,
Staff Engineer

So, basically, since the UL guidelines do not state that it is unsafe this employee was inclined to think it is safe to use alcohol in a pressure cooker. Keeping in mind that there not a complete list of items specifically stated in the guidelines as unsafe – for example gasoline (don’t try it) – this does not appear to be an accurate conclusion.

I contacted UL Standards directly to get clarification on their researchmethods, their use of omission as evidence of safety, and get their official statement on the practice of pressure cooking with liquor. In addition to a personal invitation to tour their testing facilities in Illinois at their expense, they provided the following statement for me to include in this alert…

UL develops standards and tests products for safety under normal use. UL does not evaluate pressure cookers for use with flammable liquids. If a product has been third party certified, consumers can be assured the product will operate safely if used as directed by the manufacturer. Safety instructions state “Do not use pressure cooker for other than intended use”. – Barb Guthrie, VP, UL.

So… what determines safety?

When I contacted Dr. Bella for his expertise on this issue, even before discussing the mechanics of liquor in the pressure cooker, he took issue with bloggers assuring the safety of this practice solely based on the fact that things went well for them.

Specifically, Dr. Bella wants to make it clear that warming up ethanol, which is a highly flammable liquid, should only be done in a controlled environment (a chemical laboratory or a distillery), and only by means of apparatus which has been specifically designed and tested for this specific purpose. A procedure that involves warming up any flammable liquids can be considered reasonably safe only if it was extensively tested.

“I definitively discourage anyone to warm up ethanol of other flammable liquids in pressure cookers, which are designed to warm up water and not other liquids,” said Bella.

Any cooking technique cannot be assumed to be safe even if someone posts a video describing it on the Internet, according to Bella. That poster might not have had problems, but might simply have been lucky. Making it unlikely that someone who had difficulty pressure cooking with liquor would post videos, photos or warnings on the internet or even report such an accident.

Ultimately, pressure cooking using liquor cannot be considered safe until it is proven to be safe by individuals qualified to make such assertions. Scientists in a laboratory are qualified; home cooks in a kitchen likely are not.

Pressure cooking with liquor

When liquor is pressure cooked it is technically being re-distilled; but, instead of redirecting, cooling and actually distilling the ethanol vapors a home pressure cooker releases a cloud of these combustible vapors in your kitchen.

Basically, in distillation, the differing boiling points between water and ethanol are used to separate them to make a stronger concentrate. Since ethanol boils at173°F (79°C) and water at 212°F (100°C) – distillers capture the first vapors to evaporate and immediately condense them to ultimately concentrate into a liquor.2

But, if you pressure cook liquor the valve releases ignitable vapors over and around your pressure cooker.If a spark were to ignite the combustible vapors released from the valve of a pressure cooker, they could serve as a wick to combust the highly-concentrated alcoholic liquid and vapors that remaininside the pressure cooker.

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (9)

I personally know of at least two accidents involving pressure cooking with liquor.

One I made myself as one day I absent-mindedly replaced white wine with Limoncello liquor in a chicken recipe. I smelled something burning in the kitchen and my pressure cooker was shooting flames from the valve. Thankfully, the ethanol was sufficiently diluted by the other ingredients inside the pressure cooker to avoid an explosion, but I didn’t yet know this while I crawled on my kitchen floor to turn off the cooker. Don’t try this.

A famous chef, who runs a free online pressure cooking school, was inspired to bring his cooker to pressure with Rum to further flavor his pressure cooker caramelized banana recipe. That didn’t end well. Don’t try this, either.

Is it possible to use liquor in your pressure cooker and not have any problem? Yes, it’s possible, but it is simply not worth the risk. Please, don’t do it.

If you’ve had an accident pressure cooking with liquor – we want to hear from you – please contact me privately to share your experience.

Frequently Asked Questions About Liquor and Pressure Cookers

Is it ever ok to pressure cook using liquor?

There are two exceptions when pressure cooking with liquor could be considered relatively safe.

The first is when the alcohol is burned-off (to dry) – such as when sauteing ingredients for a recipe or de-glazing a pan as all the liquids are evaporated before locking the lid onto the pressure cooker and bringing it to pressure.

The other is the use of a tablespoon or two of liquor in a cake-type recipe that is steamed. Since it will be blended with other ingredients the concentration of the ethanol will be reduced.

Why is it relatively safer to pressure cook wine and beer compared to liquor?

A bottle of wine contains on average 11% alcohol and beer 4% but liquor can contain 40-95% – the concentration of ethanol in liquor is much higher than in wine or beer. The lower the ethanol content, the higher the temperature of the solution needs to be for it to evaporate.3

According to Dr. Bella, when pressure cooking wine, even though ethanol vapors could still exit the valve, if they were to ignite, the fire would not travel into the pressure cooker and ignite the contents under pressure (as could happen with liquor) because of the lower overall concentration of ethanol inside the pressure cooker.

There’s a long history of wine being used in pressure cooker recipes with no reported accidents or official warnings. And, as mentioned earlier, the fact that there are no reported accidents is not enough to consider a practice completely safe.

While the vintage American pressure cooker booklets I consulted did not contain any recipes containing either liquor or wine – likely due to the fact that most cookers sold were aluminum (which is reactive) and as a repercussion from the 13-year prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages – the vintage booklet I collected from Italy uses wine quite liberally. In the 1967 fifth edition of Cucinare Bene a Meta’ Tempo (Cooking Well in Half the Time) distributed with Lagostina’s stainless steel pressure cookers 44 of the 77 meat recipes use wine as a liquid for the cooker to reach pressure. There are also six recipes that use liquor but it is either fully evaporated before pressure cooking or mixed-in afterward for flavor or flambè.

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (10)

There is no history of liquor being used in a pressure cooker as the liquid for the cooker to reach pressure, as the main ingredient for a recipe, or in a jar (more on this later).

While you should still take basic precautions when pressure cooking with wine and beer (which I detail in this post) there is no historical precedent of pressure cooking liquor – and there is credible first-person evidence that it is not safe. Don’t do it.

Aren’t electric pressure cookers safer for pressure cooking with liquor?

It is a myth that just because electric pressure cookers don’t use an open flame that they cannot cause sparks. The components from which they are made, for example a relayswitch, can cause sparks during normal operation4. Also, even a simple static discharge from the chef or even simply turning on a light switch could cause a spark which would ignite any nearby ethanol fumes.

Here’s a photo of Instant Pot’s relay switch, along with an industry photo with a transparent casing which shows the contacts that “click” when the heating element is being turned on and off (see graph in next section). The clicking of these metal contacts in the switch can cause an arc (electrical discharge).

It’s worth noting that at an additional cost, a manufacturer could use solid-state or hermetically sealed switches; however, as mentioned earlier, this component change would not solve all the possible ways a spark can be generated around the pressure cooker from outside sources.

So, no. It is not any safer to pressure cook using liquor in an electric pressure cooker than it is using a stovetop pressure cooker. Don’t do it.

Why are sparks even an issue if “the pressure cooking chamber is completely sealed” and Natural Release is used?

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (13)Although it’s true that in all pressure cooker types the pressure cooking chamber is sealed during cooking – i.e. not letting any additional air in, or steam out – this can only be true as long as aconstant temperature is maintained.

Maintaining a constant temperature inside a pressure cooker is a problem that even third generation electric pressure cookers have not been able to solve – they actually maintain a range of pressure. For example, Instant Pot has a working of pressure from 10.1 to 11.6 psi.5 This means that at any given time, the cooker is either gaining or losing pressure – ever so slightly – and the seal from the valve is broken.

This also applies to the “Natural Release” opening method which is often touted as safe in these recipes for disaster. During this release, the temperature inside is not constant it lowering slowly so the valve is not sealed during the release.6 More importantly, the pressure cooking chamber isn’t even sealed while the cooker is building pressure – which is when a majority (but not entirety) of the ethanol is evaporating.

So, no. Using an electric pressure cooker – or even stovetop for that matter- does not “eliminate vapor release and reduce the risk of ignition” because the cooker’s seal is broken and the valve is releasing ignitable ethanol while the cooker is building, maintaining and releasing pressure. Don’t do it.

Isn’t it safer to pressure cook liquor in “hermetically” sealed jars?

First of all, it is practically impossible to “hermetically” seal a jar before pressure cooking or canning without industrial vacuum equipment.7 Canning lids, and most others are made with a small foam ring around the outer edge where the lid will come in contact with the glass jar. This compound or foam allows for air to escape the jar as its contents are heated so that a vacuum is formed inside the jar as it cools.89 If air can escape these jars during the pressure cooking process, vaporized ethanol can too.

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (14)

And, as a matter of fact, the blogger that proposes the in-the-jar method of making vodka and vanilla extract notes that there will be a loss of volume in the jar after pressure cooking.

I’vealso seen advice to, instead, tightly close the lids of the jars before pressure cooking. Obviously, this does not work, either, because the air and vapors trapped inside will expand as the jar is heated and- with nowhere to go – will break or explode the glass jar.10

So, no. It is not safer to pressure cook the vanilla extract in a jar or bottle or any other tightly closed or “hermetically sealed”container. Don’t do it.

More questions?

If you have any more questions beyond what was addressed in this alert, please leave a comment, below.

To conclude..

Pressure cooking with liquor in equipment designed for home use to pressurize with water has not been tested for safety by any manufacturer, certifying or governmental organization or university. The practice of pressure cooking a highly-flammable liquid cannot be made any safer by using electric pressure cookers, jars or particular opening methods.

Hip Pressure Cooking recommends not following pressure cooker recipes from any source that require the use of un-evaporated liquor during the pressure cooking process either directly in the cooker or enclosed in some other container.

See also

  • All Consumer Alerts
  • INFOGRAPHIC: 7 Pressure Cooker Safety Tips

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (15)

Images in this article are duplicated from their source under the fair use. Per the United Statescopyrightlaw, limiteduseofcopyrightedmaterial may be used without permission from the rights holders, for use such as commentary, criticism, news reporting, research, teaching or scholarship.



List of alcoholic drinks: Distilled Spirits. WikiPedia. Published 2010.


Gurstelle BW. How Distilling Works. Popular Mechanics. Published March 1, 2012.


L. Waterhouse A, L. Sacks G, W. Jeffery D. Understanding Wine Chemistry. John Wiley & Sons; 2016.


Understanding the sparks created when using a relay to switch a coil. OverUnity. Published October 2010.


Which Electric Pressure Cooker Operates at 15psi? – Instant Pot. Instant Pot. Published May 29, 2013.


Pazzaglia L. Pressure Cooker Opening Methods Explained + Tips! hip pressure cooking. Published December 14, 2014.


How to Seal Glass Jars. wikiHow. Published 2017.


Peterson S. Canning Jar Lids: Everything you ever wanted to know (and why!). . Published 2017.


USDA Complete Guide To Home Canning (2015 edition). National Center For Home Food Preservation. Published 2015.


What the heck does fingertip tight actually mean? – Healthy Canning. Healthy Canning. Published 2016.

Consumer Alert: Don't Pressure Cook With Liquor & Other Recipes for Disaster (2024)


What happens when you pressure cook food? ›

A pressure cooker is a sealed chamber that traps the steam generated as its contents are heated. As steam builds, pressure increases, driving the boiling point of water past 212°F (100°C).

Can wine be used in a pressure cooker? ›

However, adjusting the quantity used is essential when incorporating wine into pressure-cooked meals. Since the sealed environment of the Smart Cooker prevents evaporation, flavors become more concentrated, meaning a little wine goes a long way.

Why does my pressure cooker burn on the bottom? ›

An improperly sealed lid can cause the Instant Pot to just cook and cook your contents as it attempts to reach pressure. This will lead to scorching and then a burn notice. Make sure that you're using enough liquid.

Will a pressure cooker cook food faster because the increased pressure inside the container causes? ›

Explanation: A pressure cooker will cook food faster because the increased pressure inside the container causes a higher boiling point. In normal conditions, water boils at 100°C but in a pressure cooker, the pressure is increased which elevates the boiling point of water, possibly up to 120°C or beyond.

Why is a pressure cooker not healthy? ›

Disadvantages of cooking food in a pressure cooker

However, starchy foods may form acrylamide, a harmful chemical, when pressure cooked. Consumption of this chemical on a regular basis may lead to health issues like cancer, infertility, and neurological disorders.

What are the side effects of pressure cooker cooking? ›

Often people cook rice in a pressure cooker due to paucity of time. If you are also one of those people who use cooker to cook rice, then do not make this mistake again. This causes the starch present in rice to release a chemical called acrylamide, which is harmful for health.

What happens to alcohol when you cook with wine? ›

Depending on the cooking method and how much alcohol is used, anywhere from 4 to 85 percent of the alcohol may remain. After 15 minutes of cooking, about 40 percent of the alcohol remains. Even after an hour of cooking, about 25 percent is left, and 10 percent remains after two hours.

How long does it take alcohol to boil off? ›

It usually takes around 2 to 3 hours for the alcohol to evaporate completely when added to a dish that is cooking on a low heat. When cooking at high heat, e.g. frying or sautéing, it can take as little as 30 seconds for the alcohol to evaporate.

Can you cook with low alcohol wine? ›

The short answer is yes. Wine is often described as adding depth to a dish. I would agree with that sentiment, since wine really does accentuate the flavour of your dish as well as bringing on taste sensations of its own. Luckily, you don't have to miss out on that certain something if you'd rather avoid alcohol.

What is the common problem for pressure cooker? ›

Pressure buildup: A faulty gasket can prevent the pressure from building up inside the cooker, causing it to release steam and pressure unexpectedly. Uneven heating: An old or worn gasket can cause uneven heat distribution in the pressure cooker, leading to hot spots and increasing the chances of an accident.

Can a pressure cooker go bad? ›

The lifespan of your pressure cooker is going to vary based on its brand and usage. If you're using your pressure cooker on a daily basis and investing in regular maintenance, it may last you up to five years. On average, though, most pressure cookers perform well for up to three years.

Should steam be coming out of my pressure cooker while cooking? ›

It's normal for a small amount of steam to leak from the valve while the pot is heating up, but if it continues to leak steam during the pressure-cooking cycle, you may have a problem. This issue could be a sign that you need to clean out and reposition the valve.

How much water do I put in a pressure cooker for meat? ›

Pour in at least two cups of water; use 1 to 2 cups more if the beef is a tough cut or to reach the minimum amount recommended by the pressure cooker's manufacturer. Seal the lid and bring the cooker up to full pressure over high heat. Reduce the heat to low, maintaining full pressure, and cook for 1 1/2 to 2 hours.

How hot does a pressure cooker get at 15 psi? ›

The standard cooking pressure of 15 psi gauge was determined by the United States Department of Agriculture in 1917. At this pressure, water boils at 121 °C (250 °F) (described in vapour pressure of water article).

Why does pasta take longer to cook in the mountains? ›

Because water boils at a lower temperature at higher elevations, foods that are prepared by boiling or simmering will cook at a lower temperature, and it will take longer to cook.

Is pressure cooking good for food? ›

Instant pot recipes are absolutely healthy as long as what you put in the recipe is healthy,” she says. The shorter cooking time may also result in the greater preservation of vitamins and minerals when compared to other longer types of cooking.

What is the advantage of pressure cooking? ›

Pressure cooking reduces the cooking time for most foods. This shorter cooking time can result in fewer nutrients being leeched out of food during the cooking process. Put another way, your food keeps more of the nutrients inside.

What does pressure do to food? ›

Pressure cooking is the process of cooking food with the use of high pressure steam and water or a water-based liquid, inside a sealed vessel called a pressure cooker; the high pressure limits boiling and creates higher temperatures not possible at lower pressures which allow food to be cooked much faster than at ...

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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