Frozen tomatoes in home-canned salsa? (2024)

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My tomatoes are not all ripe at one time. Can I freeze them and then use the frozen tomatoes in a recipe calling for fresh tomatoes? The same goes with my hot peppers. If so, is there a specific way to freeze them?


We don't recommend using thawed, frozen tomatoes in salsa recipes for canning. The quality of the salsa will not be as good because once the frozen tomatoes are thawed, they will be drier.

One solution would be to cut your salsa recipe in half or quarter it. To avoid having to heat up a large boiling water canner for a small batch, you can make a smaller one of your own with a tall stock pot. I keep a small 12-quart stock pot on hand to make jams and jellies - it never boils over! This is perfect for pint jars of fruit or salsa, too; lots of room for that 1 to 2 inches of water needed to cover all the jars during processing.

For the metal tray to keep the jars from touching the bottom, I use the tray that came with my pressure cooker. If you don't have one, you can make your own by making a trivet from canning jar screw bands held together with twisty-ties.

You can also make salsa and freeze it for later use.

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Frozen tomatoes in home-canned salsa? (2024)


Frozen tomatoes in home-canned salsa? ›

We don't recommend using thawed, frozen tomatoes in salsa recipes for canning. The quality of the salsa will not be as good because once the frozen tomatoes are thawed, they will be drier. One solution would be to cut your salsa recipe in half or quarter it.

Do you thaw frozen tomatoes before canning? ›

After you have gotten the skin off of the tomatoes, you have to let them thaw. You don't have to let them thaw completely, but do let them thaw mostly. I set them out at 11:00 a.m. and they were ready to process at about 7:00 p.m.

How to freeze tomatoes to use in salsa later? ›

  1. Wash the tomatoes. Rinse the tomatoes and pat dry.
  2. Hull the tomatoes. Remove any green stems from the tomatoes. ...
  3. Bag the tomatoes. Place the tomatoes in a gallon-sized zip-top freezer bag. ...
  4. Freeze the tomatoes. ...
  5. Thaw and peel.

Can I substitute frozen tomatoes for canned? ›

You can now substitute frozen tomatoes in any recipe that calls for canned tomatoes. There is no need to thaw. Some of my favorites include lentil soup, egg drop soup, this cod recipe and these green beans with tomatoes. You can also use them to make my mom's no-cook pizza sauce!

Can I use frozen tomatoes to make canned salsa? ›

We don't recommend using thawed, frozen tomatoes in salsa recipes for canning. The quality of the salsa will not be as good because once the frozen tomatoes are thawed, they will be drier. One solution would be to cut your salsa recipe in half or quarter it.

Can you use frozen vegetables for canning? ›

Though freezing items like corn, green beans or carrots and then canning them wouldn't result in a great end product, you can safely follow those methods. There is one family of vegetables that I wouldn't recommend freezing first. Winter squash.

Is freezing tomatoes better than canning? ›

During the days of yesteryear, the only way folks could enjoy tomatoes outside of their season was by canning them when they were fresh and ripe, but that's not the case today. Freezing tomatoes is the best way to preserve their flavor to use in tomato recipes for months to come, and it's even easier than you think!

Is it better to freeze or can salsa? ›

There is not a better time to make large quantities of tomato sauces or salsas. Canning is often the preferred method to store sauces for use later, but freezing is also an option which many prefer—especially those who have large freezer space.

How long does homemade tomato salsa last? ›

Shelf Life of Salsas:

Homemade salsa generally lasts for 3-7 days in the fridge. Store-bought salsa lasts up to 2 weeks after opening if refrigerated properly. An unopened jar of store-bought salsa can last up to a year without refrigeration.

Do tomatoes taste the same after being frozen? ›

Frozen tomatoes will retain their flavor for 12 months. This gives you plenty of time to thaw them to use in your favorite sauce, stew, or soup recipes. Frozen tomatoes lose their texture once they are thawed, so they are best used in recipes that don't require them to be in their original state – like marinara sauce.

What tomatoes should not be canned? ›

Some growing conditions may cause the tomatoes to be unsafe to can even when the tomatoes look fine. Tomatoes with blight and those from dead or frost-killed vines may be lower in acidity and are more likely to carry bacteria. Do not can using the open kettle method.

What is the best way to use frozen tomatoes? ›

Frozen tomatoes are best used in cooked foods such as soups, sauces and stews as they become mushy when they're thawed. To use the frozen tomatoes, remove them from the freezer a few at a time or all at once and then use them in any cooked-tomato recipe.

Can you leave skin on tomatoes when canning salsa? ›

Can you leave skin on tomatoes when making salsa? You sure can! This is the easiest way to make salsa Making this food processor salsa for canning your tomatoes and peppers is the perfect way to save some time!

Does canned salsa need vinegar? ›

You must add acid to canned salsa because the natural acidity may not be high enough. Commonly used acids are vinegar and bottled lemon juice. Lemon juice is more acidic than vinegar and has less effect on flavor.

How to thaw out frozen tomatoes? ›

To thaw frozen tomatoes, transfer them from the freezer to the refrigerator and allow them to thaw slowly overnight. The tomatoes will release some liquid as they thaw, so it's best to place them in a container to collect any juices. Once thawed, you can use the tomatoes in your desired recipe.

How do you prepare tomatoes for canning? ›

  1. Cut an X into the bottom of each tomato, which will make peeling easier. ...
  2. Peel the tomato skins off, and cut out the stems. ...
  3. Once the jars are filled, add a teaspoon of Kosher salt and a tablespoon of bottled lemon juice to each quart.
Apr 29, 2021

What happens if you freeze canned tomatoes? ›

The best way to store leftover canned tomato

To freeze leftover canned tomatoes, place in labelled zip-lock bags or containers and freeze for up to 6 months. Use from frozen or defrost in the microwave for one or two minutes before adding to your cooking.

Can you use tomatoes that froze on the vine? ›

It is not recommended to can tomatoes that froze on the vine. This is because the acid content changes too much, while on the vine, making them unsafe for canning. But tomatoes harvested prior to a fall freeze, then frozen, do not change in acidity. What does change is their texture and how they measure.

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