What's the best way to create and keep a style guide for your game? (2024)

Last updated on Mar 25, 2024

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Define your game's genre, theme, and tone


Create a visual mood board


Write a verbal style guide


Update and share your style guide regularly


Use tools and templates to streamline your style guide


Review and test your style guide

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Here’s what else to consider

A style guide is a document that defines the visual and verbal identity of your game. It helps you and your team maintain consistency, clarity, and quality throughout the development process. But how do you create and keep a style guide for your game? Here are some tips to help you.

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  • Zeke Chan 🇲🇾✝️👨👩👧👦 22+ years making games. Posts on visual design: the artistic, creative and technical aspects for 2D…

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  • What's the best way to create and keep a style guide for your game? (6) What's the best way to create and keep a style guide for your game? (7) 2

  • Christhian Gruhn Developer (Web, Games) - 22+ years creating digital projects as a front-end, full-stack developer and content creator

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What's the best way to create and keep a style guide for your game? (11) What's the best way to create and keep a style guide for your game? (12) What's the best way to create and keep a style guide for your game? (13)

1 Define your game's genre, theme, and tone

The first step is to identify the core elements of your game's genre, theme, and tone. These will inform the overall aesthetic and narrative direction of your game. For example, if you are making a horror game, you might want to use dark colors, low lighting, and eerie sounds. If you are making a comedy game, you might want to use bright colors, cartoonish graphics, and witty dialogue. Think about what makes your game unique and appealing, and write down some keywords, phrases, and references that capture your vision.

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    Absolutely crucial steps! Defining your game's genre, theme, and tone lays the groundwork for its identity. It's vital to align these elements with your target audience's preferences for maximum appeal. Additionally, maintaining consistency across all aspects of the game, from gameplay mechanics to visual design, ensures a cohesive and immersive experience, enhancing player engagement and enjoyment.


    What's the best way to create and keep a style guide for your game? (22) What's the best way to create and keep a style guide for your game? (23) 2

  • Zeke Chan 🇲🇾✝️👨👩👧👦 22+ years making games. Posts on visual design: the artistic, creative and technical aspects for 2D game development.
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    Celeste (2018). Madeline overcomes personal struggles reflected in mountain climbingDirection: Vibrant, contrasting pixel art emphasizes simplicity and emotional depth using character animations and environmentsColors: Bold, contrasting colors (blues, reds, and whites). Subdued background tones so foreground elements popType: Renogare font for clean, easily readable in-game text. Limited use of stylized fonts to convey emotion and ensure clarityCharacters: Simple expressive designs. Madeline's character growth reflected in her appearance, mirroring the theme of self-discoveryEnvironment: Reflects Madeline's emotional state. Chapter 2 begins with a dark starry night sky and changes to a surreal, dream-like palette


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    Dream big but start small. Broad strokes then chip away details play-by-play.Brainstorm wildly without judgment. Quirky fusions often impress most!Consult your heart over trends. Passion fuels fresh perspectives.Sketch mood boards bursting with vibrant influences. Inspire within and beyond games.


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2 Create a visual mood board

A visual mood board is a collection of images, colors, fonts, and icons that represent the look and feel of your game. You can use tools like Pinterest, Adobe Spark, or Canva to create your mood board online, or you can print out and arrange your sources on a physical board. A mood board helps you communicate your style guide to your artists, designers, and programmers, and gives them a reference point for creating assets, UI, and effects. It also helps you avoid inconsistencies and clashes in your game's visuals.

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  • Zeke Chan 🇲🇾✝️👨👩👧👦 22+ years making games. Posts on visual design: the artistic, creative and technical aspects for 2D game development.
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    8 steps to create a mood board:1. List aspects of the game the mood board will visualize: character designs, environments, fonts, colors, etc2. Collect photos, images, references from other games or real life3. Find visuals that closely express the look and feel of your game. This includes character styles, concept art, colors, shape language, props, etc4. Include videos to show animation styles and pacing5. Choose color palettes to match the game’s aesthetic6. Find quotes, signboards, typography references suitable for your game7. Arrange your references to be visually coherent8. Continue refining ideas and add new references for inspiration


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    Creating a visual mood board is essential for conveying the aesthetics of your game to your team. It not only aids in aligning everyone with the style guide but also fosters a shared vision and enhances collaboration. Another aspect to consider is periodically updating the mood board as the game evolves, ensuring that it remains reflective of the current direction and allows for flexibility in adapting to any changes or refinements in the visual design.


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3 Write a verbal style guide

A verbal style guide is a document that defines the tone, voice, and language of your game's text and audio. It covers aspects like grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary, and formatting. It also specifies how to write for different types of text, such as dialogue, narration, menus, tutorials, and feedback. A verbal style guide helps you ensure that your game's text and audio are clear, engaging, and consistent with your game's genre, theme, and tone. It also helps you avoid errors and confusion in your game's communication.

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  • Zeke Chan 🇲🇾✝️👨👩👧👦 22+ years making games. Posts on visual design: the artistic, creative and technical aspects for 2D game development.
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    A good list to begin with to help identify a character's speech pattern:- Background: a rogue character with a troubled past- Social status: poor outcast or born into wealth- Life changing experience: witness parents being murdered, causing the death of a friend or sibling- Education: street-smart, institutional education- Personality: cryptic, cautious, guarded- Environment: lives in a large city, home in the slums - Speech: urban slang, fast-paced, short responses - Vocabulary: specific words, terms, phrases commonly used. Also include things the character would not say- Quirks: makes snap judgements, loves animals- People: identify real or fictional people, characters, performers that embody your character's personality


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  • Christhian Gruhn Developer (Web, Games) - 22+ years creating digital projects as a front-end, full-stack developer and content creator
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    The verbal aspect of your game is crucial for storytelling and player interaction. Writing a verbal style guide involves defining the game's narrative voice, writing style, and dialogue guidelines to ensure a cohesive and consistent narrative tone and quality.


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  • Karthik Bindumon Game Designer | Instructional Designer | Gamification Consultant| Facilitating addiction to learning (without the carpal tunnel)
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    Align your narrative guidelines with your game's genre, theme, and tone to enhance your verbal style guide and ensure a cohesive storytelling experience. Create rules for narrative voice, character dialogue, and storytelling techniques that mirror the overall themes and mood of your game. Also, establish guidelines for pacing, structure, and narrative arcs to maintain a captivating storyline that engages players throughout the game.


4 Update and share your style guide regularly

A style guide is not a static document that you create once and forget. It is a living document that evolves with your game's development. You should update your style guide whenever you make significant changes to your game's design, art, or story. You should also share your style guide with your team members and collaborators, and get their feedback and input. This way, you can keep everyone on the same page and avoid miscommunication and conflicts.

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  • Zeke Chan 🇲🇾✝️👨👩👧👦 22+ years making games. Posts on visual design: the artistic, creative and technical aspects for 2D game development.
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    6 reasons to update and share your style guide:1. Create consistent art style. Team members and contractors have clear documentation to create designs that align with your vision.2. Clear visual direction. Your team, contractors and investors know what to expect throughout development.3. A streamlined art creation workflow to remember decisions made and reduce misunderstandings.4. A benchmark for quality control to maintain visual standards.5. Inspire the team with new ideas and different art styles.6. Getting different perspectives from the team to improve and stay on track.


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  • Karthik Bindumon Game Designer | Instructional Designer | Gamification Consultant| Facilitating addiction to learning (without the carpal tunnel)
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    Use version control and collaborative tools like Google Docs, Microsoft Teams, Asana, or Trello to update and share your game's style guide efficiently. Create a centralized repository for the guide and enable real-time collaboration among team members. Establish clear communication protocols to keep stakeholders informed promptly. Encourage feedback and suggestions to maintain the guide's integrity. Schedule regular review sessions to refine the guide based on development changes or playtesting feedback.


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5 Use tools and templates to streamline your style guide

Creating and keeping a style guide can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Fortunately, there are tools and templates that can help you simplify and organize your style guide. For example, you can use Google Docs, Dropbox Paper, or Notion to create and edit your style guide online, and share it with your team. You can also use templates like Game Style Guide by Simon Schreibt, or Style Guide Template by Game Dev Force, to get started with the basic structure and content of your style guide.

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    Utilizing tools and templates to streamline your style guide is indeed a smart approach, saving time and ensuring consistency. In addition, fostering a culture of regular review and feedback among team members can further refine the style guide and ensure its effectiveness in guiding the game's development. Encouraging open communication and collaboration empowers everyone to contribute to the style guide, resulting in a comprehensive and cohesive vision for the project.


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  • Karthik Bindumon Game Designer | Instructional Designer | Gamification Consultant| Facilitating addiction to learning (without the carpal tunnel)
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    Create personalized templates that cater to the unique needs and requirements of your game, making it easier to create and maintain your style guide. While pre-made templates can be a good starting point, customizing them to reflect the distinct aesthetic, narrative, and gameplay elements of your game ensures that your style guide remains relevant and actionable for your team. Take advantage of tools like Microsoft Word, Adobe InDesign, or Canva to design visually appealing templates that include sections for typography, color palettes, visual assets, narrative guidelines, and audio specifications.


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6 Review and test your style guide

The final step is to review and test your style guide against your game's actual implementation. You should check if your game's visuals and audio match your style guide's specifications, and if your game's text and audio are clear, engaging, and consistent. You should also test your game with your target audience, and see if they understand and enjoy your game's style. You should use the feedback and data from your review and testing to improve your style guide and your game.

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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    Creating and maintaining a style guide for your game involves using tools like Google Docs, Dropbox Paper, or Notion for collaboration and organization. However, beyond just documenting visual and narrative elements, it's crucial to embed the style guide into the development process actively. Integrating it into project management tools like Jira or Trello ensures that adherence to the guide becomes a routine part of development, leading to consistent and polished results.


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    Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from others you trust, whether it's friends playtesting prototypes, experienced developers reviewing your work, or the community providing suggestions. Outside perspectives help you improve.Consider making connections in your local game dev scene through events and online groups. Surrounding yourself with like-minded peers can lead to exciting collaborations and valuable advice at any stage of your journey.


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What's the best way to create and keep a style guide for your game? (2024)
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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.