CT Scan Price Philippines (2024)

CT Scan Price Philippines (1)

A Computer Tomography (CT) scan is a non-invasive technique to monitor the human body for any symptoms of the disease. A CT scan price in the Philippine scan range from Php 4000 to Php 8000 or even more, depending on which part of the body needs to be examined. It is identified as a form of diagnostic radiology imaging.

There are different kinds of CT scanners that are known for the number of slices or images the machine can take per rotation. The kind of machine the patient needs to make use of will depend on the doctor’s initial prognosis. Trust professional hospitals, such as the Perpetual Help Medical Center, to have the best equipment in order to give you the best service.

Read on to learn more about CT scans in the Philippines!

CT Scan Price Philippines (2)

General Diagnostic Radiology

General diagnostic radiology involves non-invasive techniques and machinery that are used to take images of the interior of the human body. These images, also called slices, are used to diagnose a number of symptoms in a patient. The machines use a low dose of radiation in order to capture the intricate details.

Diagnostic imaging allows for the examination of possible lumps within the body, broken bones, and even gastrointestinal issues. These machines and techniques come in various shapes and sizes that are created accordingly to the parts of the body they are made to scan.

In certain cases, diagnostic imaging can help in the assistance of medical procedures. There are even current kinds of therapy that make use of these machinery, such as in radiation therapy. This kind of treatment is used to treat cancer patients and utilizes the machines by directing high doses of radiation to the tumor themselves. This is all done in a non-invasive manner.

Fully equipped hospitals in Las Pinas, such as the Perpetual Help Medical Center, have a number of diagnostic imaging machinery available. The kinds of imaging found are radiography (x-rays), ultrasounds, Computer Tomography (CT) scans, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans, and nuclear medicine scans.

CT Scan Price Philippines (3)

What is a CT Scan?

A Computer Tomography (CT) scan makes use of a number of x-ray scans in order to create fully detailed imagery of your bones, organs, and various tissues. The patient will lie down and slowly be moved around by the machine in order to capture multiple angles. A narrow beam will then circle around the body while capturing the images. The computer gathers these images and creates a 2D scan or a cross-sectional picture. As more and more images are taken, more and more details come are shown. CT scans normally take just a few minutes to complete.

CT scans are important because of how highly detailed the images captured are. Doctors may use these pictures in order to diagnose the cause of certain symptoms. The imaging can capture these anomalies, no matter how big or small they may be. These “slices” can be utilized during the preparation of medical procedures, as the doctors and their team can conceptualize the best course of action to remove the said anomaly. CT scan prices in the Philippines depend on whether or not there will be a need to examine bones, tumors, or heart complications.

CT Scan Price Philippines (4)

Kinds of CT Scans

Exactly how detailed CT scanners can go depends on the maximum amount of slices it can capture. The more scans it can take; the more detailed imagery it can show. CT scan prices in the Philippines depend on the kind of machine used by the hospital. Professional hospitals, such as the Perpetual Help Medical Center, are fully equipped with the latest technology regarding non-invasive imaging. Here are the kinds of CT scans with various amount of slices.

16-Slice CT Scan

16-Slice CT scanners can be highly utilized in hospitals that constantly experience a large number of customers every day. It can easily fit into emergency rooms or other hospital rooms that need to cater to a lot of people. It requires a short amount of time to complete each patient.

40-Slice CT Scan

40-Slice scanners can provide better imaging per gantry rotation compared to a lower 16-slice CT scan. This means that patients will experience a shorter amount of time within the machine itself. It can produce 2D imaging of the inside of the patient’s body.

64-Slice CT Scan

64-Slice CT scanners are incredibly fast and have “freeze-frame” imaging. This can capture a clear image of the heart and muscle despite constant movement. It is utilized in centers that deal with trauma, cardiac issues, or critical care. It can be highly useful in critical care areas as it is extremely quick to use.

128-Slice CT Scan

128-Slice CT scanners are unique because the number of slices it captures is enough to create 3D images of various organs. It is one of the latest designs on the roster of general diagnostic radiology machinery. It is commonly found in research and cardiac institutions as well as highly advanced hospitals.

CT Scan Price Philippines (5)

CT Scan vs Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

The major difference in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) from CT scans is that it does not use any form of radiation. Instead, it uses a magnetic field to capture the inside of the human body. Magnetic fields and radio waves reflect off of the fat and water molecules found within the human person. The waves are then received by a machine that translates it back into the proper image.

MRI machines can also capture more details of the human body that CT scanners cannot. Details include those of the bones, brains, joints, and other parts of the body that are too small for CT scanners to fully capture. Doctors can determine abnormalities in the tissues of these areas through the detailed imagery of MRIs.

CT Scan vs MRI

In general, CT scanners are more often used than MRIs. This is because the machine can capture images quicker and with less noise compared to an MRI machine. CT scanners can give more of an overview of the general area of a person’s body. It can also provide pictures of the patient’s organs, tissues, and the overall skeletal structure.

Unlike CT scanners, it is known to be an incredibly loud machine. Patients may be offered earplugs or headphones in order to reduce the amount of noise they will experience. Patients are also required to stay completely still during the procedure in order to better capture details.

CT Scan Price Philippines (6)

CT Scan vs Ultrasound

CT scans and ultrasounds are the most widely used non-invasive diagnostic imaging procedures. An ultrasound transmits high-frequency sound waves throughout the area it is scanning. The machine detects the echoes and creates a picture with it. Ultrasound, unlike both CT scans and MRIs, has the ability to capture real-time movement.

Ultrasound machines are significantly smaller than CT scanners and can be moved easily from room to room. This makes them easily accessible to a number of patients. One room can also hold a number of ultrasound machines at a time, which helps hospital staff cater to multiple patients at once.

Ultrasound is the cheapest imaging procedure amongst the three. It also does not make use of any radiation, making it safe for both pregnant women and children.

CT Scan vs Ultrasound

Ultrasound can capture the imagery of organs and soft tissue well. However, it cannot capture images through gas and bone. While ultrasounds can pinpoint a specific area that has an abnormality, a CT scan is still needed to see the full details of the issue at hand.

Even if the ultrasound can capture real live movement, it can only capture a small area at a time and needs to be adjusted in order to cover a wider reach. This can make an ultrasound procedure take longer in order to cover more ground. This is highly unlike CT scanners, which can capture a large space in a short time.

It is important to be aware of the different general diagnostic imaging procedures. This is for the patient to be aware of any limitations of the procedures themselves. It is also important to be aware of the possible side effects of each procedure, such as the harmful effects of radiation on children and pregnant women. Patients should take note of the MRI, ultrasound, and CT scan prices in the Philippines in case of a future prescription.

CT Scan Price Philippines (7)

How to Prepare for a CT Scan

There are a number of things that patients must take note of when it comes to CT scanning. The initial being the different CT scan prices in the Philippines. Next, there is a preparation that needs to be done that will be informed by the doctor. Then there is the procedure itself and what it entails. And finally, there are possible side effects of getting a CT scan. Here is a detailed summary of the steps of the procedure.

Step 1:Preparation

First, your doctor will decide if you will need a contrast injection or not. This will be the basis of the preparations for your procedure. A contrast injection is a dye injected through an IV in order to easily see blood vessels and organs. A patient will be advised not to consume or drink anything a few hours before the procedure in order to prevent an upset stomach caused by a negative effect with the dye.

For other CT scans, such as for the abdomen or pelvis, the doctor may make the patient drink an oral contrast agent that will help identify their gastrointestinal tract. This will help highlight the stomach as well as the small and large bowels for examination. The patient is required to drink the medicine over the course of up to 2 hours.

The doctor will then notify the patient of the different CT scan prices in the Philippines. This will depend on which part they are asking the patient to get examined.

Step 2: Procedure

It is important for the patient to remove all forms of metal from their body. Depending on the body part being scanned, they may also be asked to change into a hospital gown. This is more common for chest, abdomen, and pelvis scans. Otherwise, such as for head scans, the patient may wear normal clothes.

A CT Scan is usually an outpatient procedure for most patients. It takes a couple of minutes to finish and requires the patient to stay still. However, if the patient is claustrophobic or has a fear of enclosed spaces, they may opt to be sedated during the procedure.

The scanner itself is a table that is moved by a machine. It is brought around a large orbital shaped structure that contains the x-ray. The patient will lie down on the table, either feet first or head first, depending on which body part is being scanned. They could also be asked to lie on their side or on their stomach. During some procedures, patients may be asked to hold their breaths for up to 20 seconds.

Step 3: Post Procedure

The post-procedure should have minimal to no effect on the patient. After the scan, the patient will be allowed to go home. However, for those who opted for sedation, they will be brought to a secure area where they will be sent home after they wake up. In these cases, patients will need to be accompanied by a companion as they will be groggy from the sedation.

The CT scan will be interpreted by a professional radiologist, who has been trained to interpret x-ray findings. These are forwarded to the doctor who prescribed the procedure, who will interpret the findings as well as the next steps for the patient.

Since CT scans include radiation, there could be some possible side effects the patient can experience afterward. Since the patient is being exposed to a small amount of radiation, it could prove harmful to unborn babies and young children.

Another potential risk is a negative reaction to the contrast or dye injection. This could be possible for those who have had a prior negative reaction to other kinds of medication. In these cases, hospitals advise the patient to visit an x-ray department before the exam. This dye could also cause damage to the kidney for those who already have the condition. Patients are encouraged to drink a large amount of fluid after the procedure in order to help flush the dye out of their system.

Avail of the Most Advanced Diagnostic Technology from Perpetual Help Medical Center

Computer Tomography (CT) scans can greatly help in determining what your symptoms mean. Research well on CT scan prices in the Philippines depending on your doctor’s orders. Set an appointment with trusted hospitals that can offer the best services, such as the Perpetual Help Medical Center in Las Pinas. Click here to learn more about the different CT scans at PHMC.

CT Scan Price Philippines (2024)


CT Scan Price Philippines? ›

A CT scan price in the Philippine scan range from Php 4000 to Php 8000 or even more, depending on which part of the body needs to be examined. It is identified as a form of diagnostic radiology imaging.

How much does a CT scan cost in the Philippines? ›

A CT scan price in the Philippine scan range from Php 4000 to Php 8000 or even more, depending on which part of the body needs to be examined. It is identified as a form of diagnostic radiology imaging.

Is CT scan covered by HMO Philippines? ›

CT scan, MRI and ultrasound are covered up to P5,000 within the total limit each if deemed necessary for the immediate management of the patient. h.

How much is the cost of an MRI scan in the Philippines? ›

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Arm / Humerus8,00011,000.00
Brain + MRA / MRV14,00017,000.00
Breast MR8,00010,000.00
23 more rows

What is the cost of 1 CT scan? ›

The average cost of a basic MRI can range from ₹8,000 to ₹15,000, whereas a standard CT scan is typically ₹3,000 to ₹6,000.

How much is a CT scan in a private hospital? ›

CT Scan
CT Brain Pre ContrastR 1 500
CT Abdomen PreR 2 000
CT Abdomen Pre & PostR 4 000
CT Chest/Abdo/Pelvis PreR 7 000
CT Chest/Abdo/Pelvis Pre & PostR 9 500
19 more rows

Is a CT scan covered by PhilHealth? ›

Are X-Ray, MRI, and CT Scan covered by PhilHealth? Unfortunately, diagnostic procedures like x–ray, MRI, CT scan, 2D echo, and ultrasound aren't covered by PhilHealth if they're undertaken as outpatient services.

Which is cheaper an MRI or a CT scan? ›

Cost: CT scans are almost half the price of MRIs. The average computed tomography scan costs around $1,200 while an MRI is about $2,000. Speed: CT scans take much less time than MRIs. The exact time required depends on whether you need a contrast dye for the procedure, but MRIs always require more time for the scan.

Why are CT scan not covered by insurance? ›

Since CT scans have been around for a considerable amount of time, an insurer would not likely deem them “experimental” or “investigational.” If your insurer is saying the CT scan is not medically necessary, you may need a letter from your doctor that details why it is necessary.

What is not covered by Maxicare? ›

Does it cover any type of hospitalization? Hospicash does not cover hospitalization of accidents and/or illness that are part of Maxicare's list of exclusions in the terms & conditions (ex. Attempted suicide, overdose, etc.). Maternity is also an exclusion except for Maxicare accounts with maternity coverage.

Is scan a PPO or HMO? ›

SCAN Options (HMO) offers another Medicare Advantage plan with $0 monthly plan premium, comprehensive coverage and popular extra benefits beyond what Original Medicare provides. See if SCAN Options is in your area.

How long does a CT scan take? ›

The length of a CT scan depends on what type of exam you hare having, and what part of your body we are scanning. A typical scan of the body, without intravenous contrast, can take about 10 minutes. If we use IV contrast, it can take about 30 minutes.

How much is a kidney ultrasound in the Philippines? ›

Procedure NamePrice in (Php)
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What is the difference between a CT scan and an MRI? ›

CT scans take a fast series of X-ray pictures, which are put together to create images of the area that was scanned. An MRI uses strong magnetic fields to take pictures of the inside of the body. CT scans are usually the first choice for imaging. MRIs are useful for certain diseases that a CT scan cannot detect.

Why CT scan is so expensive? ›

The high cost of a CT scan at hospitals can be attributed to several factors, including the technical fee, professional fee, and facility fee. CT machinery and the construction of dedicated rooms for the machines are expensive. Additionally, the expertise of the technologists interpreting the images adds to the cost.

How much is a private CT scan? ›

Standard CT scan (1 body part)

A standard CT scan costs from £420 up to around £800. Prices vary depending on the scanning centre, where it is situated, and the type of scan. Some CT scans require a contrast dye or specialist staff which can increase the price.

How much does a CT scan cost in the US? ›

In the United States, the cost of a CT scan typically ranges between $300-$3,280. The national average is $3,275 (without insurance).

How much does a CT scan cost? ›

Article Index
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6 days ago

Is CT scan cheaper than Xray? ›

CT scans provide more complete and detailed images than X-rays. But they're also more expensive and create more radiation exposure. A healthcare provider can help choose the right test in each circ*mstance.

Can I do a CT scan without a doctor's order? ›

The importance of specialist medical evaluation

Firstly, MRI scans and CT scans are medical procedures that require a comprehensive medical evaluation before they can be performed.

How much does a CT scan cost per patient? ›

Standard CT scan (1 body part)

A standard CT scan costs from £420 up to around £800. Prices vary depending on the scanning centre, where it is situated, and the type of scan. Some CT scans require a contrast dye or specialist staff which can increase the price.

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Procedure NamePrice in (Php)
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Procedure NamePrice in (Php)
2 more rows

Do you get the results of a CT scan immediately? ›

The images are checked by a radiologist (a doctor who's trained in reading and interpreting X-ray and CT scan images). They'll send the results to your doctor, who will go over the results with you. Results are usually ready in 1–2 days. In an emergency, the results of a CT scan can be available quickly.

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